Well, this is my first blog on English, Why? Because I need to practice English written, so I ask for your tolerance to my broken English. Ok, I have been sick for three days already, I do not know even what is happening to me for sure. I have dad fever all day and night long, but besides that, NOTHING, weird, I have a little of pain in my throat, but well, this is third day and I am still weak, bla bla bla. Result: A lot of time to think about my body. I really think people that I did not get sick because the weather or external things, I am almost sure that was stress or emotional things, I have to say the last week I have a couple of surprises that made me feel a little crazy, and this week my body say: Veronica!!!, is time to rest and relax, your body needs you, your body work with you the last week now you help him!!. This is a little of my own thought and some writers and Psychologist who I follow. Remember people, if you do not cry when you are sad, if you do not scream when you are mad, if you don't laugh when you are happy, I mean, if you do not act your feelings, if you do not let your body express too the stress, happiness or sadness, he will charged you that the next weeks, because the body needs to express like our mind, check it out this:
The body, according to Freud is causal, mechanical, secular and a symptomatic representative of the mind....
Freud indicates that the mind-body relationship is a reciprocal one...
- And, then, how is necessary to manage the emotions? - If one cries when it has desire to cry, it laughs when it has desire to laugh, shouts when it has desire to shout, never arrives at a sadness, an hysterical joy or a wrath.
Hysterical in Psychoanalysis terms, means, neurotic, means, not healthy, means that to express late and emotion, will be probably and failed expression.
Well my body is charging to me... but never is to late to start again and learn about our bodies and emotions...
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